Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Florida Keys


Turtle roughing it in the Keys

DSCN5604DSCN5679Key West is for the birdsDSCN5673

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Sunset at the end of America.DSCN5789 PC130005


I didn't need our bikes tuned, thank goodness. He had this tendency to take long breaks until somebody put some folding money in the bucket. slowest bike mechanic I've ever seen!


This silly six foot tarpon thought my camera was a fish! Almost lost it, and a few fingers too.


The No Name Pub is thought to have over 100,000 $1 bills stuck to the ceiling. We ate lunch instead.DSCN5866 

 PC140043PC150007 Sharing my one-handed technique for getting a fish off the hook. My grandpa taught me when I was about this little guy's age, a few decades ago.

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The two sides of the Florida Keys